GCAL is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of the Officers and a Member-At-Large. Officers and Directors serve two-year terms. Current members of the Board of Directors are:
Juli Wisotsky - President
Christina Campbell – President Elect
Lynn Goldman – Secretary
Josie Redwine – Treasurer
Rhonda Fishbein – Member at large
Josie Redwine – Immediate Past President
While the Board sets policy and the agenda for GCAL, GCAL conducts most of its work through committees. Current committees are as follows:
Advocacy Committee:
The Advocacy Committee reviews requests from Fellows or the public for litigation assistance, Amicus support, legislative commentary or drafting, public commentary, and campaign activity. The Committee makes recommendations to the GCAL Board regarding action on any such issues.
Admissions Committee: President-Elect, Chair
The Admissions Committee reviews applications for admission to GCAL and makes recommendations to the Board regarding approval of applications. The Committee also has authority to make a recommendation to the Board that an attorney be invited to join GCAL or that a member of the public be recognized as an Honorary Fellow.
Best Practices & Standards Committee:
The Best Practices & Standards Committee makes recommendations to the Board regarding GCAL'S Code of Ethics as well as provides assistance to Fellows with issues related to best practices in adoption law.
Education Committee:
The Education Committee works to educate attorneys and the greater public on Adoption Law in Georgia. Around four times a year, the Committee puts together Lunch n' Learns, which are open to any attorneys interested. The Education Committee also works with the State Bar of Georgia to hold an annual CLE on Adoption Law.
Technology Committee:
The Technology Committee assists the board in working with outside vendors to ensure that the website is working and up-to-date on member information, admissions information and member-only-access to certain documents. The Committee also manages the Association listserve and Facebook pages.
Public Relations Committee:
The Public Relations Committee assists the Board with promoting GCAL to other lawyers, the courts and the general public through the GCAL website, public service announcements, and other media.
National Adoption Day Committee:
The National Adoption Day Committee is tasked with putting together events to celebrate and honor adoptions on National Adoption Day.