What is GCAL?
GCAL is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and sharing of best practices among adoption attorneys. GCAL’s goals are to develop voluntary standards for adoption attorneys, to educate adoption attorneys on laws affecting adoption and developing issues in the practice of adoption, to educate the public about adoption issues, and, where appropriate, to engage in legislative commentary or advocacy on adoption issues.
Who can be a fellow of GCAL?
Fellowship is open to attorneys who are members in good standing of the State Bar of Georgia and who have a demonstrated commitment to adoption practice in terms of duration of practice and volume of practice. Members must devote at least 50% of their practice to adoption issues. Out-of-state attorneys with Georgia Bar licenses are welcome. Membership applications must be approved by the GCAL Board of Directors.
What is expected of GCAL members?
GCAL members must commit to maintaining the standards of the profession, both as established by the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct and by GCAL. Because GCAL is a small organization and dependent on the efforts of its members, members are expected to attend at least three of the four quarterly meetings each year, to attend or speak at the annual training, and to serve in some capacity as a GCAL officer or on a GCAL committee.
How much does it cost to be a member of GCAL?
There is a onetime Non-Refundable Application Fee of $75. Annual dues are $150.
When and where does GCAL meet?
GCAL plans to hold quarterly regional meetings. The current plan is to hold two meetings in the Metro Atlanta area, one in the Savannah area, and one at a destination to be chosen each year, based on the cities in which GCAL has members. Meetings may be coordinated with the meetings of other related groups, such as GALAA or the State Bar of Georgia, and with the annual ICLE seminar on adoption law. To the extent possible, web-conferencing or tele-conferencing access will be available to members who cannot attend in person.